Caltech Admissions Update: Standardized Testing Scores Now Required

The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has announced a significant change to its admissions process. Starting with applications submitted for Fall 2024 admission (entering Fall 2025), all prospective undergraduate students will once again be required to submit scores from either the SAT or ACT exams. 

This means that if you are planning to apply to Caltech for the next academic year, you will need to factor in taking one of these standardized tests as part of your application. 

Let’s delve deeper into this update and what it means for future Caltech hopefuls.

Caltech Brings Back Standardized Testing Requirement for Admissions

Caltech recently announced that it will be requiring applicants to submit standardized test scores again, starting with the Fall 2025 entering class. This decision comes after a recommendation by their faculty advisors on admissions.

The advisors believe that these test scores provide valuable information to the admissions committee about an applicant’s academic preparedness. They see this as one piece of a larger puzzle, used alongside other application materials to create a well-rounded picture of each student.

Interestingly, even though Caltech didn’t require these tests in recent years, over 95% of last year’s incoming class still submitted their scores. This suggests that many students see these exams as an important part of their college application.

However, under the old system, these scores weren’t considered until after admissions decisions were made. Now, with the reinstated requirement, the admissions team will be able to use these test results alongside a student’s grades, essays, and other experiences to get a clearer idea of their potential for success at Caltech’s challenging academic programs.

Caltech Seeks the Best and Brightest

Caltech is committed to finding the most talented and curious students from around the world. They look for students with a passion for science, engineering, and math, along with the drive and resilience to thrive in a challenging academic environment. They also value diversity of experiences and perspectives to create a vibrant campus community.

To identify these exceptional students, Caltech initially paused its requirement for SAT and ACT scores in 2020. This decision was made in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which limited access to standardized testing for many students. The pause on test scores was extended in both 2021 and 2022, and with this announcement, Caltech has decided to continue this test-optional policy indefinitely.

Additionally, experts have pointed out potential negative effects on students’ mental health. Mayank Maheswari, from University Living, mentioned that students might face financial strain if they have to arrange childcare or send their dependents back to their home countries. This separation could also lead to feelings of loneliness and emotional challenges, affecting their overall well-being.

On the other hand, the UK’s Home Office believes that recent VISA changes ensure the UK remains an attractive destination for international students. They aim to ensure that universities focus on education rather than promoting immigration. However, the government is open to collaborating with universities to find ways for exceptional students to bring their dependents while still controlling overall migration.

Recently, further measures were announced by Cleverly. These include stricter rules for health and care VISAs, making it harder for overseas care workers to bring their dependents. Additionally, there will be a significant increase in the salary requirements for the Skilled Worker route, impacting those who wish to sponsor family members to join them in the UK.

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